
We’re Not Artists is a 15-years-in-the-making book by Rey Node planned for fall 2024 —but not without your support.

Through this publication, you’re helping me create traction and get the word out. In return, you will receive:

  • Periodic updates on the book and the writing process

  • Freebies and snippets from the book

  • Insights and ideas that didn’t make the cut

  • Opportunities to proofread and give input (you might even be mentioned in the book!)

In addition, upon release, I will reward 10 subscribers of this publication with a free hard copy of the book.

So, what’s the book about?

The full title reads: We’re Not Artists — And Everything Else Art School Forgot to Mention.

Many of us went to art school to become non-artists. We ended up as designers, illustrators, animators, video editors, photographers, etc. We either work in agencies or hold creative roles in-house.

Art school taught us remarkably little about the place we go to work every day. We feel misunderstood, but in reality, it is we who don’t understand. We’re the odd ones out.

Research indicates* that workers in the creative industries are at increased risk of depression and burnout. Whether it's correlation or causation is up for debate, but either way, self-care is crucial.

We’re Not Artists aims to demystify creation, clients, time, money, the creative process, and tools.

By educating ourselves on Everything Art School Forgot to Mention, we can become happier, healthier, and more successful in our careers.

* sources pending

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And Everything Else Art School Forgot to Mention